NorwaySense - Profilo

Paese: Norway
Città: non ci sono altri dati
Hai aderito: 1 anno fa
Sesso: Uomo
Situazione sentimentale: Sposato(a)
Hai aggiunto: 2 video , 1 album
Età: 28
Orientamento sessuale: Eterosessuale
Preferiti: 2 video , 1 album
Su di me: Hey. Morten from Norway here. My gf is going to Italy with a girlfriend this summer and I am trying to find someone to take care of her on her girl`s trip so she doesn`t get tempted to cheat on me on her trip. It is important that you can fuck her every day and satisfy her needs. She doesn`t know about this. That means you have to contact her, get to know her and meet her when she arrives in Pisa.

NorwaySense - Album (1)

Tutti gli album (1)

NorwaySense - Album preferiti (1)

Preferiti (1)